5 Exciting Design Ideas to Give Your Assisted Living Space a Homely Vibe

Moving to an assisted facility is not an easy choice. Leaving the comfort of your house, your family, your routine, and stepping into an altogether different environment could get tough for many senior citizens. So, you need to have ways to create a homely space for your loved ones there.

Although there are many senior living homes in Placerville CA that provide its residents the comfort that they need, however, they still may not feel as homely in the new acquaintance.

Thankfully, there are a few things that you can consider to make the place more homely and comfortable. Below are four ways to make your assisted living.

Consider the room size

Well, this is not a given. Before you start to think about furnishing the room, you need to consider if there is room for furnishing. Depending of the size of the room, you can then decide and pick furniture that will go well with it.

For example, if the room size is small and you fill it with heavy furniture, your loved one might end up feeling suffocated instead of feeling at home. Hence, considering room size is the first step to deciding to furnish.

Add optimal furniture for storage

Since you are new to the place, it is less likely to have much storage. You can consider having a trendy ottoman that could perhaps double as a desk or a table. You can also have a portable table or a table affixed to the wall so that it occupies less space. Similarly, you can consider adding furniture that could make you feel at home and also add functionalities to make your life smooth.

Add enhancements

When it comes to providing comfort to the elderly, the sense of touch is of utmost important. You want your loved one to feel at ease while living there. You can do so by picking cozy blankets and bedsheets. Choose these enhancements such that touching them will give your loved one a sense of belonging.

You can even use fur or denim to stimulate some memories and excite their senses. This is especially true for Alzheimer and dementia sufferers.

Go for simple designs and patterns

Seniors citizens usually prefer simple things. Especially, if your loved one is suffering from dementia, busy patterns could easily make them frustrated. Plus, you should also avoid dark spots since for someone with vision loss, dark spots could look like holes.

You can hang a few family photographs in their rooms which would enhance the decor of the room and also keep it meaningful.

Decide what do you want to keep in the room

Well, this is the most important thing to consider while designing or furnishing your loved one’s room. You want to avoid as much clutter as you can to not make the space look messy and unorganized. So, depending on what your loved one likes, you need to only put things that add value to their living.

For example, if your loved one is artistic or is fond of reading, you can hang a few portraits or even create a small library corner with books. This will reduce unnecessary mess and give the room a classy vibe.


Moving to a new place, even for youngsters could be challenging. Hence, when it comes to senior citizens, you need to take extra care and double verify eveything before admitting them to the facility.

While you can choose an assisted living in Placerville CA like Blissful Gardens which has a calm and comfy vibe, you always have an option to furnish the room as per your or your loved one’s requirements.

Published by blissfulseniorliving

Blissful Gardens is the most advanced senior living home in Cameron Park, California. We offer memory care and assisted living facilities and wellness service for seniors. Our objective is to add value to the lives of our seniors at every step and build a community around them.

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